After you have clicked through the purchasing process above, you will find yourself back here. I can email you a pdf certificate or I can snail-mail you a paper certificate. If the ride is for yourself then a pdf makes sense. If it is a gift, then let me know if you’d like a hardcopy mailed. If I don’t hear from you after you have made your purchase, I will email you. These rides are fully refundable for any reason - so don’t wring your hands about purchasing. You can always un-purchase if something unexpected happens. :-)

3000 ft Glider Ride ~ $195

4000 ft Glider Ride ~ $245

Mile High Glider Ride ~ $295

Instruction ~ RENTAL ~ TOWS

Glider rental - $80 per hour

Instructor - $80 per hour

Aero-tows - $75 to 2,000 feet (agl) then $10 per 1,000 feet

Winch Launch - $65

T-Shirts $25

Coveted “Get High~Stay High” soaring apparel & more


Hoodies $50

Polos $35