Soaring is amazing. Ask anyone who has done it. The quiet whoosh that accompanies our carving path through the sky will leave your soul murmuring "ahhhhhhh...." If we get a chance to catch a thermal (a broad column of rising warm air usually found in the afternoon), the magic is magnified as the sailplane accelerates upward like a powerful elevator (only quieter). It is not unusual to soar 50 feet from hawks, eagles, vultures or even pelicans. It's also fun to chase ducks, but that's another story. We are quiet, unlike other aircraft, and our size gives birds the advantage of maneuverability..and they know it. So they are pretty comfortable letting us get close. Our flight take place over the Southern Minnesota Lakes Region. So we have that going for us. Which is nice.

#1 ~ Which ride should I get?

Well, knowing you as I do, the 4000FT, 30 minute ride is the middle of the road compromise. The ride lasts 30 minutes on average, give or take a couple of minutes either way. Lighter passengers tend to get a couple of minutes longer in the air (it's a weight-and-balance thing) but whether we hang out in more rising air than sinking air is the real factor. A dead-calm day with a 180lb passenger comes out at 30 minutes. If you are interested in some "wiffer-dills" (mild aerobatics), or would like more time to do some of the flying yourself, consider upgrading to the Mile High flight. The good news? You can usually make that decision on ride-day at the airport. Even if you already have a pre-paid ride, you can usually upgrade (unless we are running tight on time).

#2 ~ What restrictions are there? Age? Weight? Height?

Kids are welcome. Five or six years old is as young as we usually go. They have to "not touch that" if we ask them to "not touch that". If the rider weighs less than 110lbs then they have to…er, they GET TO…sit in the instructor’s seat (backseat) for weight-and-balance reasons. Otherwise, riders sit up front. The max weight limit is 242lbs. The height limit is around 6'6", depending on torso-to-leg ratio (long legs are better than long torso since you can fold those). Getting in and out of a glider is a little like getting in and out of a bathtub. We are used to helping seniors, and those with various physical limitations, get in and out.

#3 ~ How do I set up my flight?

Go to the “SCHEDULE” page of this site. There is a video tutorial called "How to Schedule". You will also find the link to the schedule there. You can book your flight(s) several days or even several months in advance. Just click open the schedule and see if there's an opening on the day you want to fly. The schedule will show you what hours are already taken and which ones are available. If we get rain or strong winds on your ride day, we will call you at least an hour before your ride time (usually much sooner, like the day before). We then cancel the day, putting a notice on the calendar and you can reschedule another day. For two rides, book two hours. Three rides? Book three hours. You can enjoy some couch-time (more on that further down). Also, don’t wait until late September or October to book your ride. The schedule can really fill up fast with people who have procrastinated all season and are just logging in to see when they can use their certificate. If you want to fly in the Fall colors (highly recommend) of October, it’s smart to book it before mid-September. It’s not unusual for the entire month of October to be booked solid by the beginning of the month.

#4 ~ Where the heck do I go to take my flight?

Hey, there's no need for that kind of language. We are at the Faribault Municipal Airport. Just take I35 south from Minneapolis, and 45 minutes later, take "Exit 59 Faribault". Our little airport is about 100 yards from the off-ramp on the west side. You could hit it with a rock. See the “Everything Else” page of this website for directions and an aerial view of the airport and our hangar.

#5 ~ I'm a titch worried about claustrophobia, heights and motion sickness....

I'm glad you came forward with this concern. That took courage. Seriously, we can seat you in the sailplane (front seat) while it is sitting on the ground and adjust the cushions and close the canopy, all at a slow, easy pace. The visibility through the full-surround plexiglass canopy is amazing and only a few people have ever felt too closed-in to be comfortable with the cockpit size. If you do though, no worries. We tried.
As far as “fear of heights”, I've never had a single person say "Don, this is nerve-racking - let's go back." Screaming - yes. Frantic pounding on the canopy while begging to get out - sure. Just never an articulate request. Joking! You'll feel quite secure in the aircraft and we can talk all the while. Just try and stop me from directing your attention from this to that. If you do change your mind, however, I can return quickly and easily to Mother Earth.

If you have issues with motion sickness, avoid days that are windy/gusty or particularly hot (above 85 degrees). Nobody wants a sick passenger. Nobody. We usually have crystalized ginger on hand (an ancient Chinese recipe for the stomach queezies) or you could take a Dramamine an hour or so ahead of time. Schedule an early morning flight (10AM), or a 6PM flight, when the air is smooth and glassy and wonderful. Oh yeah - avoid slamming down “fast food” (greasy, fatty, salty) prior to coming for your flight. Don’t ask why. Just trust me. Also, we have “bags” on board. I usually get through an entire season needing only three of them. Very funny. No. Not for me.

#6 ~ What should I bring?

Dress for the day. Pants are better than dresses/skirts (especially for guys - haha). Even though the temperature drops about four degrees per thousand feet (that means 16 degrees cooler 4000ft up for example), we are in a flying greenhouse. This fact usually cancels out the temperature difference. Evening flights are a bit cooler, so bring a light jacket or a sweater just in case. Also bring some sunglasses, a camera and a friend. The friend is so my tow pilot can maybe sell them a ride while you are up in the clouds with me.

#7 ~ What's actually at the airport, other than runways?

We operate out of the hangar shown on the map on the “EVERYTHING ELSE” page. We have a couple of couches on wheels that we often roll out into the sun or into the shade. There is also a deck above the office that looks out onto the runway. You and your friend (remember to bring your friend) can settle in there before and after the flight if you like. There is also an office with large windows and bar stools facing the runway in case it is more comfortable indoors. It has both heat and A/C. We have spring water in the fridge and there is machine-cuisine (salty snacks/pop) next door in the main office.

#8 ~ Is there anything else to do while we're down there?

Wow. You are insatiable for new experiences and adventure. I like that.

* You can have lunch in Millersburg at "Boonies". Legend has it that the James Gang spent their last night there before that fateful Northfield Bank raid. The steak sandwiches and Rubens' are my favs. Good burgers, too. You can even play horseshoes or shoot pool in the covered patio in the back while you "dine". They have a great atmosphere, tasty food AND it's on your way back to the Twin Cities (about 8 miles north of the airport). Siri will take you there.

* You could go shopping at Cabela's (13 miles south) or The Medford Outlet Mall (10 miles south).

* Visit Northfield (14 mile drive north), a neat little town where two colleges (St. Olaf and Carlton) keep it young. The city council keeps the BigBox stores away. Visit the museum. Stroll past the small shops along main street. Have a cappuccino. Watch the river flow. Visit Northfield Yarn (full disclosure - a friend of mine owns that).

* In Faribault - visit the The Faribault Mill - The Cheese Cave - The River Bend Nature Center. Google them up! For food - really good Mexican at El Tequila. Good Thai at First of Thai.

#9 ~ I am a swaggering pilot myself. Is this for me?

Of course you are and of course it is.

We will try to draw you away from the Dark Side (powered flight) and introduce you to the ways of The Force (soaring). Seriously, it is generally agreed, by anonymous yet well known and respected Top Guns, that soaring will make you a better pilot. Many of the Air Force jet-jocks must solo a glider as part of their training before they proceed to the really noisy stuff. In fact, for astronaut-and-first-man-on-the-moon Neil Armstrong, it's the purest form of flight (click this for indisputable proof). You will definitely be intrigued by how we read the sky to find lift and avoid fuel bills altogether.  You can fly as much as you want once we're off tow. In fact, we can make it a lesson if you like. Bring your log book. Also, adding a glider rating satisfies a Flight Review. Just saying…

#10 - What if I change my mind after I buy the ride?

What, chickening out already? Lord have mercy. :-) Google up "Don Ingraham glider" or something like that. I (Don) will be in the back seat. I live there. We'll be fine. Plus, your certificate is fully refundable or transferable to someone to else if you can't fit the flight into your busy lifestyle. But since this is awesome, and nobody is that busy, why would you ever change your mind? Exactly.

Update: Just noticed there is (was) a guy named “Don Ingram Glider” that might show up in your search results. It’s his obituary. Not me. Pretty sure.